Thursday, September 8, 2011

Six Years Today

Some of the day today I thought, "I can't believe it's been SIX whole years since we first hung out," and other parts of the day I thought, "I can't believe it's ONLY been six years, it seems like longer...".

September 8th, 2005, she picked me up in her black Mazda 3, named Ebony, and Meatloaf was playing in her CD player. I said how I loved Meatloaf, she laughed that contagious laugh, and then I knew she was going to be important in my life.

We've been through so much together Elise, I can't even begin to describe the emotions we've pulled out of each other, or the feelings that go along with each precious memory. I love you and your quarter of a shaved head more than you can imagine. I always will.

Happy 6-Years-Since-We-First-Hung-Out, Love. Here's to eighty more.



  1. Six years. Wow. It does seem like less and it does seem like more. It just blows my mind that I have lived in Utah for over 7 years now. That's more than half the time Mike and I have been together! Time flies when you are having fun!

  2. Um....I don't know if you'll be alive in 80 more years. JK Love you both so much, my sisters. Elise, you are a joy to our family, and Sam, you already know how I feel about the joy you bring to me. Have a fantastic 6 year anniversary!
