Los Angeles

The three graduates
It's difficult to leave a first year teaching job that couldn't really get any better after just one year. When my logical side starts talking, I could almost kick myself! I have no idea if I'll find a teaching job in L.A. or if I'll enjoy it. My first year of teaching experience was incredible, my colleagues and students made it so easy to go to work and now I'm just up and leaving...yikes. I'm in the process of finding a job in L.A. but it's really challenging to do from here. I have to take a whole new set of tests to qualify for California (one of which I took today and won't know if I passed until mid June). Sam and I are going out in less than a month to look for a place, to live and maybe do some interviews. We are going all in and planning to move whether we have jobs or not. This is so unlike me, and Sam really, but we are going all in. We obviously won't stay if we can't afford to live and have to start stripping, but we are going to give it our best shot. I will take any good thoughts or energy in my direction on this job hunt!
It will also be such a challenge to leave our friends and family that are still here. We had to say goodbye to Taylor just a few months ago and now goodbye to everyone else. Especially our Kenna. There is a new dynamic in our home with the three of us girls and I feel like our relationship with Ken has just gotten better. Sam better step up her work out game, because Kenna is my biggest source of motivation to exercise. We have met so many friend over the last four years of living in SLC and it will be difficult to say goodbye to so many. (Side note: we will be having a going away get together in July.) Our family's are stuck with us no matter how far we go, but we sure will miss them. What will we do for Sunday dinner??? We wish we could take everyone with us, especially our nieces and nephews who will grow the most. Come visit us everyone!!!
We sure love Salt Lake and are proud to call it home. We love the restaurants we've discovered, the friendly people, the Capitol, walking places, the parks, the library, the nearby mountains, the sunsets, and all it's beauty. We know L.A. will hold a whole new atmosphere, but we are excited to see what life brings. You might want to get Sam's autograph before we leave, because the next time you see her it might be on the big screen.
While I am extremely sad I will only have a few days in the same state, I am truly excited for your new adventure, and await the updates!